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3) Examination regulations

3.1 Scope

§ 1 These examination regulations apply to the course "Linguistics in German Didactics" at the University of Teacher Education Vorarlberg.

§ 2 These examination regulations shall take effect when the curriculum comes into force.

3.2 General assessment criteria

§ 3 Exams

(1) The success of the studies is to be determined by examinations.

(2) Examinations serve as proof of performance. This is done in written, oral, graphic or practical form within the framework of examinations or through participation in courses with immanent examination character (e.g. fulfilment of study assignments).

(3) The basis for the performance assessment are the requirements of the curriculum, taking into account the partial competences shown in the modules. The examination requirements of the individual modules shall be aligned with the competences valid for the individual module in such a way that the competence orientation of the degree programme as specified in § 3 of the Higher Education Curricula Ordinance 2013 is ensured.

(4) The positive outcome of examinations and other evidence of achievement shall be assessed as "Very good" (1), "Good" (2), "Satisfactory" (3) or "Sufficient" (4), the negative outcome of examinations shall be assessed as "Not sufficient" (5). Intermediate assessments are not permitted.

The grade "Very Good" (1) is awarded for performance which fulfils the described requirements to a far greater extent than is essential and which presents adequate independent solutions. The grade "Good" (2) is awarded for performance that fulfils the described requirements to an extent that goes beyond the essentials and at least offers independent approaches to solutions. Satisfactory" (3) is awarded for performance that completely fulfils the described requirements in the essential areas. The grade "Satisfactory" (4) is awarded for performance that predominantly fulfils the described requirements in the essential areas. Performances which do not meet the requirements for an assessment with "Satisfactory" (4) shall be assessed with "Unsatisfactory" (5).

(4) If a grade assessment is impossible or inexpedient, the assessment is called "Participated with success" in the case of a positive result, and "Participated without success" in the case of a negative result. The deviating type of assessment shall be indicated in the section "Leistungsnachweise" of the relevant module description.

Performances with which the described requirements are predominantly fulfilled at least in the essential areas are to be assessed as "Participated with success". If this is not the case, the performance is to be assessed as "Participated without success".

3.3 Type and scope of examinations, assessments and academic-professional field-related work

§ 4 Module exams

(1) Each module shall be completed with a type of performance assessment (module examination) specified in the respective module requirements. The performance assessment certifies the competences specified in the respective modules.

The following types of performance assessments for the completion of a module are provided:

  • Written module examination

  • Oral module examination

  • Practical module examination: Assessment of a work process or work result within the overall scope of the module.

  • Other forms of performance assessment, e.g. portfolio

  • Continuous assessment of performance in various forms throughout the duration of the courses of a module (courses with immanent examination character).

(2) The responsible head of the institute appoints a module supervisor at the beginning of the semester.

(3) The person responsible for the module shall determine the form and assessment criteria of the module examination before the start of the courses of the module in accordance with § 3 of the examination regulations.

(4) The person responsible for the module shall inform the students sufficiently about the type and scope of the module examination in good time after the start of the course(s).

(5) The lecturers holding courses in the respective module shall be deemed to have been appointed to conduct module examinations.

(6) Examinations or other certificates of achievement for the completion of a module shall be taken promptly during the course of study, if possible.

(7) Dates for module examinations shall be set by the person responsible for the module close to the end of the module and demonstrably announced to the students.

(8) The duration of oral examinations should not be less than 15 minutes and not exceed 40 minutes and written examinations should not be less than 30 minutes and not exceed 90 minutes. Adequate preparation time shall be taken into account.

(9) Pursuant to § 63 para 1 subpara 7 of the Higher Education Act and § 4 para 5 of the Higher Education Curricula Ordinance, students with disabilities shall be granted alternative examination methods, taking into account the form of the disability, whereby proof of the partial competences to be achieved must be guaranteed.

§ 5 Assessment of the academic-professional field-related work

(1) Written papers or papers with text parts (e.g. papers accompanying the course in the context of pedagogical-practical studies, project work, etc.) shall meet the criteria set out in para. 4.

(2) The project work must be at least 15,000 characters long.

(3) The project work shall be presented to the examination board in a presentation lasting no more than thirty minutes. The examination board shall be appointed by the course management. The examination board shall consist of three lecturers of the course. If less than three teachers teach in the course, the course management shall nominate relevantly qualified teachers as additional members of the examination board.

(4) The assessment of the written papers by the supervising teachers is based on the following academic criteria:

  • balanced consideration of the current state of knowledge in the subject area

  • disclosure and justification of the choice of topic differentiated awareness of the problem and precise posing of the question

  • The topic's position in the current research and educational discussion Stringent structure and comprehensible line of argumentation

  • Linguistic and stylistic independence and accuracy of language

  • Critical and selective use of sources that correspond to the current state of research.

  • clear reference to the professional field

  • Observance of citation methods

  • reflection and presentation

(5) The workload for the written work to be done is to be coordinated with the workload of the module.

3.4 Examination procedure

§ 6 Examination board

(1) The examination boards for the module examinations are formed from the lecturers of the courses anchored in the module.

(2) Module examinations are chaired by the person responsible for the module.

(3) If an examination board has to be changed due to unforeseeable and/or uncontrollable reasons and/or at the justified request of the student, the responsible head of department shall appoint a substitute or an assessor.

(4) Each member of the examination board must be present during the entire examination period.

§ 7 Application requirements and application procedure

(1) Students are entitled to take the examination if they fulfil the prerequisites set out in the respective curriculum and have provided proof of continued study.

(2) The person responsible for the module shall set a deadline for registration for the module examinations and notify the students of this deadline in a suitable form.

(3) The student shall register for the examinations with the person responsible for the module in due time in accordance with the deadlines and pursuant to § 62 para. 2 subpara. 4 of the Higher Education Act and, in the event that he/she is unable to attend, shall also deregister in due time.

§ 8 Examination repetitions

(1) In the event of a negative assessment of a module examination, the student shall be entitled to a total of three repetitions, whereby the last repetition shall in any case be taken as a board examination.

(2) The following shall be counted towards the maximum number of examinations allowed:

  • a negative assessment of an examination

  • the abandonment or non-assessment of an examination due to the use of unauthorised aids.

(3) The examination board for the last resit shall consist of three lecturers in the subject area concerned appointed by the head of the institute, taking into account §6 Para. 1. Each member of the board shall have one vote in the decision on the grade. Abstentions are not permitted. Decisions shall be taken by majority vote.

(4) In the event of a negative assessment of the practical pedagogical examination, the student shall only be entitled to one repetition per semester.

§ 9 Carrying out the tests

(1) Oral examinations shall be public. It is permissible, if necessary, to limit access to a number of persons appropriate to the spatial conditions. The examiners or the examination board have the right to exclude individual members of the audience if they disturb the examination.

(2) The chairperson of the examination board shall ensure the orderly conduct of the examination and keep the examination minutes. The subject of the examination, the place and time of the examination, the names of the examiner or the names of the members of the examination board, the names of the students, the questions asked, the assessments given, the reasons for the negative assessment and any special incidents shall be recorded in the minutes.

(3) Assessment documents (in particular reports, corrections of written examinations and examination papers) shall be kept for at least six years from the date of announcement of the assessment, in accordance with section 44(3) of the Higher Education Act. Archiving shall be carried out by the Department of Studies and Examinations.

(4) The deliberation and voting on the result of an examination before an examination board shall take place in a non-public session between its members. The decisions of the board shall be taken by majority vote; the chairperson shall exercise the right to vote in the same way as the other members of the board of examiners. In the event of a tie, the vote of the chairperson shall be decisive. Abstentions are not permitted.

(5) The result of an oral or practical examination shall be announced to the student immediately after the examination. If the examination was assessed negatively, the reasons for this shall be explained to the student.

(6) The result of a written examination shall be announced to the student no later than four weeks after the examination has been conducted.

(7) Each assessment of a module shall be certified by the issue of a certificate at the student's request and shall in any case be recorded in the student's record (cf. section 46 subsection 1 of the Higher Education Act 2005).

(8) Upon request, the student shall be granted access to any assessment documents and to the examination record (with the exception of the minutes of deliberations and votes). The student shall be entitled to make photocopies of these documents (cf. § 44 para. 5 Higher Education Act 2005).

(9) Certificates of attendance may be issued for courses which are not concluded with an examination or another type of performance assessment.

3.5 Completion of studies

§ 10 The degree programme is successfully completed when all modules have been positively assessed.

3.6 Maximum duration of study

§ 11 The maximum duration of the degree programme may not exceed twice the number of semesters provided for in the curriculum (cf. § 59 para. 2 no. 5 Higher Education Act 2005).

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