I) General information about the study programme
1.1 Preamble
The course "AWAKE - Attention, Perception, Concentration, Experience - Learning According to Neuro-Science" is based on the formal requirements of the Higher Education Act 2005 (BGBl. I No. 30/2006 of 13.3.2006) and the Higher Education Curriculum Ordinance 2006 (BGBl. II No. 495/2006 of 21.12.2006) for teacher training colleges in Austria.
1.2 Qualification profile for the course curriculum
This course provides all the essential scientific and subject didactic basics for the training and professionalisation of teachers and trainers to restore children's basic attention in order to enable a natural learning process embedded in the learning environment "theatre".
In recent years and decades, significant problems in motor, sensory and cognitive development have been observed in children. Children have increasing difficulties in being curious, attentive and awake. With AWAKE, teachers are introduced to neuroscience and a mix of materials is developed for them for further training and use in the classroom.
Attention is the greatest force in the learning process. It makes it possible to grasp something new and unexpected. Attention is the prerequisite for grasping the necessary information in a learning process through the perception and opening of the senses. Attention is not only an integrative prerequisite for cognitive, sensory and motor performance, for the development of knowledge, but also for the overall development of the personality.
In detail, the following goals are aimed at:
Merging neuroscientific findings and pedagogy
Identifying children's problems in terms of attention, perception, concentration, learning problems in general, social and personal problems
Introduction of an exercise pool with materials that trigger attention
Introduction of an ideal learning environment in the form of classical theatre, as all neuroscientific aspects are included here
Introduction of a digital teaching material mix consisting of interactive content for learning the basics, a simple implementation of the learning environment "theatre" in practice and teaching material for practice with professional video instructions
Enabling teachers to rehearse a theatre play
In addition to the subject-specific academic character, the focus should be on the concrete didactic applicability in primary and secondary schools.
Proof of theory-guided action is to be provided by a module-related written work within the working hours specified in the modules as well as by a project work of at least 15,000 characters.
The networking of the participants is intended to continue the discussion and exchange in the sense of the further development of neuroscientific findings in subject didactics on a supra-regional level.
1.3 Scope
This curriculum regulates the operation of the course "Linguistically Based German Didactics" in accordance with the Higher Education Act and the Higher Education Curriculum Ordinance.
1.4 Design of the studies
The course is oriented towards the diversity and freedom of scientific-pedagogical theories, methods and teaching opinions. This refers to the implementation of courses within the framework of the tasks to be fulfilled and their content and methodological design.
1.5 Admission requirements and ranking criteria
Admitted are lecturers at teacher training colleges, teachers of all school types, trainers from adult education, therapists in the field of learning and social pedagogy, interested persons with related tertiary degrees as well as students at teacher training colleges. Admission to the course is decided by the course director according to the order in which applications are received and by examining the applications.
1.6 Scope and duration
The course "AWAKE - Attention, Perception, Concentration, Experience - Learning According to Neuro-Science" is designed to last three semesters, is offered on a part-time basis and comprises 30 EC credits (in future abbreviated to EC). The course consists of six modules and one study section.
The modules in the first and second semester each comprise 16 teaching units and eight supervised individual phases (blended learning), self-study to the extent of the specified ECs and twice ten practical units accompanying the course.
1.7 Group sizes
Due to space and resource constraints, the number of participants in the course "AWAKE - Attention, Perception, Concentration, Experience - Learning According to Neuro-Science" is limited to 20. If the number of registrations exceeds the number of available places, a ranking will be made according to the list under point 3.3 after receipt of the complete registration dossiers.
1.8 Credits
The course management decides on possible credits after the submission of relevant evidence, which must be submitted in good time before the start of the course. The applicant will be informed in writing of the decision on credits.
1.9 Closing
The successful completion of this course is confirmed with a certificate and a Diploma Supplement.
1.10 Comparability
The course "AWAKE - Attention, Perception, Concentration, Experience - Learning According to Neuro-Science" is based on formal requirements of the Higher Education Act and the Higher Education Curriculum Ordinance.
No comparable courses are offered in Austria, Germany and Romania.