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Walking with eyes closed [2]

Short description

Being "guided" blindly and being able to give/implement linguistic instructions


Social behaviourGroup dynamics/team building

Group size





15 minutes



Goal of this exercise is to improve

  • the translation of speech into movement

  • Concentration

  • attention

The children learn to trust each other, they learn to articulate accurately and to listen; they have to coordinate with their partner, otherwise the exercise does not work.


  1. The children get together in pairs.

  2. The first child closes his/her eyes, the second child "guides" the first through the room by giving instructions in words only.

  3. The "blind" child is thus solely dependent on the voice of the partner.

  4. The instructions could be:

  5. We are going to go through the door to the left, after three steps there is an armchair, now you turn around and stop. You feel the armchair behind you, you sit down". Care must be taken to navigate the "blind person" through the room unharmed and without bumping into obstacles.


The pairs agree on a start signal (e.g. "beep") and one for stop (e.g. "pap"). The "blind person" is now guided through the room only with these two instructions.

The exercise requires attention as well as concentration. Teamwork and absolute trust are important for the success of the exercise. The children must therefore be careful and cautious with each other.

Background information for further reading

Cognition and consciousness


Processes of perception

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