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The blind mathematician [1]

Short description

Group forms geometric figures from a rope together while blindfolded


Social behaviourCommunication

Group size



Rope (approx. 5m)


10 minutes



Goal of this exercise is to improve

  • Imagination

  • coordination

  • spatial thinking

The children learn to understand each other as a group and train cooperative action. Only together can the problem be solved and the shape laid with the rope.


  1. All participants stand around a "rope circle" (a rope tied together at the ends) on the floor. They are blindfolded.

  2. Then the facilitator leads them one by one to the rope lying on the floor.

  3. Each participant takes a piece of the rope in his/her hand. The contact to the rope must not be interrupted during the whole game, so at least one hand always touches the rope!

  4. The game leader now gives the participants a figure to represent with the help of the rope (e.g. square, circle, triangle).

  5. Only when all participants agree that they have completed the task can the cloths be taken off or the eyes be opened.


After easier exercises, the participants can be asked to draw more complicated shapes, e.g. two intertwined circles of approximately the same size, double and triple rows or a letter. Speaking can also be allowed here, but the eyes remain closed.

It is also possible to play the game without a rope. In this case, the participants simply hold hands and close their eyes to represent the shapes.

When the group's tolerance for frustration has been exhausted, the facilitator can allow one member to let go of the rope to explore and change the others' positions. If there is tension in the group, this game should be avoided.

Background information for further reading

Cognition and consciousness


Processes of perception

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