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Discussion [3]

Short description

Mini discussions on given topics


Social behaviourCommunication

Group size



10 minutes



Goal of this exercise is improving

  • the ability to speak freely

  • conscious listening

  • reaction to the reply when it comes to argument

In order to form an opinion and defend it well, it is necessary to think of differentiated arguments and formulate them convincingly. In this exercise, children learn to respond to the other person's arguments in an intelligent way, to listen and also to put themselves in the other person's shoes to possibly recognise new aspects of the issue.


  1. Two children in turn engage in a discussion on a pre-determined topic.

  2. One child takes the pro side and the other the con side.

  3. Over a short period of 1-2 minutes, both discussion partners should exchange arguments.

  4. The game leader stops the time. When the time is up, the next pair takes their turn.

Topics for discussion could be: Should new roads be built? Should plastic bottles be banned? Should there just be more organic food? Is it right for teachers to have so many holidays? Should there be a time limit on children using mobile phones?

Background information for further reading


Speech functions

Cognition and consciousness

Self-perception and reflection

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