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Fancy words 2 [2]


Praise" with funny word creations - training of verbal and non-verbal means of expression


Social behaviourCommunication




10 Minuten



The aim of this exercise is to improve

  • the imagination

  • the position of the voice

  • the interplay of non-verbal and verbal communication.

The children learn to express themselves fully in the protected area of an imaginary language in order to underline what is being said! Body tension and good vocal tone are practised as well as spontaneity and responsiveness. Body tension and good vocal tone are practised in the same way as spontaneity and imagination. In addition - and quite incidentally - the children observe what "kindnesses" do to them, how much they raise self-esteem and that they give you energy. And they give you a smile!


  1. The children line up in two rows facing each other so that each child has a partner. For each of these rows there is an imaginary line that should not be crossed.

  2. Now the children take a few steps towards this line to "praise" their partner in the opposite row.

  3. Only imaginary words are allowed, such as "You are as beautiful as the sparkling morning star!", "You smell like a lily of the valley!" or "You are as delicate as a little dragonfly! The alternately uttered "compliments" are reinforced by an appropriately "confidential" posture and a soft voice.


If both exercises Fancy words 1 [2] are done, be sure to finish with Part 2 (positive mood)!

The children should express themselves precisely and consciously. When creating the word creations, the fun is greatest when they try to jump into the absurd!

Background information for further reading


Speech functions

Cognition and consciousness


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