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Good Morning [1]

Short description

A rhythmic circle and movement game


Motor skillsSpatial orientation

Group size



5 Minuten



Goal of this exercise is to improve

  • the spatial orientation

  • the rhythm of movement

This exercise teaches you to transform your own, sometimes too wild, energy into a controlled dynamic. Like all circle games, this one is community-building.


This exercise is a rhythmic circle and movement game to the following saying : 

“Good morning everyone - hey (!) - good morning everyone - hey (!) - good morning, good morning, good morning everyone!”

The children stand in a circle, facing the center. The text is spoken together, while one step is taken in the direction of a circle to the right for each syllable.

  1. Start with the right leg : " Good morning, good morning" (= 7 steps)

  2. The “he(!)” follows , which is shouted and applauded. At the same time, everyone turns 180 degrees, so they are now looking in the other direction.

  3. You now walk in the direction of the circle to the left and look outwards: " Good-morning-gen-al-le-samt" (= 7 steps)

  4. With "he(!)" they clap again and turn back to the starting position, so the children look back into the circle

  5. Two follow in the same pattern : " Gu-ten-Mor-gen" , turning "-gen" on the last syllable and changing direction.

  6. At the end, the children turn inward, and "Good morning all together" follows again . On each syllable, alternating steps are now made (step to the left, add the right leg - step to the right, add the left leg).

This exercise is repeated three times and increased in volume and speed. 


Since it is often difficult to form a circle in smaller rooms, this exercise can also be carried out "in one line": The children stand in two rows facing each other and then take a step backwards (away from each other) with each syllable and then after the “he(!) back to each other.

This variant is particularly demanding because the children have to grasp the reflection of their movements in the other person. If the exercise is to become more physically demanding, the steps can also be replaced by small jumps.

This exercise is ideal as an exhilarating start to the day, especially when it is done with temperament and verve.

Background information for further reading

Cognition and consciousness

Self-perception and reflection

Learning Fundamentals

Rhythm and rhythmicity

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