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Coordinated Jumping [3]

Short description

Big jumps diagonally through a room


Motor skillsBalance & Coordination

Group size



10 minutes



Goal of this exercise is to improve

  • of coordination

  • the body feeling

Body tension and coordination are very important for this exercise. The big, wide jumps have a liberating and relaxing effect.


For this exercise we only need one thing: a lot of space. The children stand in a corner of the room. Now jump diagonally through the room in a fixed sequence of movements:

  1. Start with a big step left and right

  2. Then comes the expansive jumping step, in which legs and arms are stretched in opposite directions (left leg in front / right arm behind and right leg behind / left arm in front) with maximum tension.

  3. The head position is upright, the gaze should always be directed at eye level to the end of the imaginary diagonal through the room.

Body tension and coordination are very important for this exercise. The big, wide jumps have a liberating and relaxing effect.

Background information for further reading

Cognition and consciousness

Processes of perception

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