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Cross juggling [3]

Short description

Promoting hand dexterity, with criss-crossing movements


Motor skillsConcentration & Working Memory

Group size



Juggling balls


15 minutes



Goal of this exercise is to improve

  • of hand_eye coordination

  • the ability to concentrate

  • the perception

Crossing movements activate the brain and stimulate communication between the hemispheres. Such exercises require a lot of concentration and attention.


This exercise involves juggling with crossing movements. It starts with simpler exercises, which then become more and more difficult.

  1. Throw a ball up at an angle, crossing hands and catching it with the same hand. Repeat 5 times, then switch hands

  2. Throw a ball straight up, cross hands and catch with the other hand. Repeat 5 times, then switch hands

  3. Throw two balls straight up, cross hands, and catch each ball with the other hand. Return to the normal starting position, and repeat at least 10 times.

  4. Hands in crossed position, throw two balls straight up, and catch with hands in normal position. Return to the normal starting position, and repeat at least 10 times.

  5. Hands in normal position, throw 2 balls up and catch in crossed position, then throw balls up straight again, and catch back in normal position, repeat at least 10 times.

A prerequisite for successfully performing this exercise is that the balls are thrown sensibly upwards. If children have a problem with this task, it helps to imagine doing the two activities sequentially (rather than simultaneously), i.e. throw first and then cross. You can also practice throwing first and then crossing, and only then combine the two.


Take steps left or right while juggling.

This exercise is usually great fun. By crossing the hands, the motor programs must also be crossed. The two halves of the brain have to communicate with each other more, which is not always possible. Many children need some time and patience for this, so it doesn't matter if it doesn't work right away.

Background information for further reading

Cognition and consciousness


Processes of perception

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