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Two in one [3]

Short description

What does my mouth say? What do my hands "say"? Interplay of verbal and non-verbal communication


Social behaviourCommunication

Group size



15 minutes



Goal of this exercise is to improve

  • non-verbal communication

  • responsiveness

  • concentration

The children learn to react to the smallest changes in the body posture of their partners and thereby train their attention and responsiveness in order to find a common unity, a single speaking and gesticulating body.


  1. Two participants play one person, with one participant holding his own arms folded behind his back so that only the torso is visible from the front.

  2. The other participant now stands behind him/her - the arms come from him/her, so to speak. In the best case, only his or her arms are visible!

  3. The game leader now names a situation in which "this person" is, e.g. a TV chef explains a recipe, the winner of a beauty contest gives a speech, ....

  4. Now the visible participant has to talk about the situation and the other person has to make the appropriate hand movements to underline what is being said.

Background information for further reading

Cognition and consciousness



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