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Checklist for the performance

Here we give you a few instructions for a perfect organisation of your theatre performance.

Take all the help you can get and share it well! (Accompanying teachers, parents, team teachers etc.)

  1. Prop list: Make a list of all the necessary props

  2. Costume list: Make a list of all the roles and the corresponding costumes

  3. Checklist (example to help)

A few weeks before


Until when?


Cast list with reserve actors

Write down countdown

Fix dress rehearsal

Prepare costumes (parents)

Prepare props (handicraft lessons)

Prepare music (music lessons)

Assign "light technicians" and rehearse beforehand

Print tickets

Is there a buffet? (parents)

Print programme

Welcome speech (by a child, if applicable)

2 days before


Until when?


Dress rehearsal

Designate a photographer or someone to film

Check costumes

Check props

Assign prompter

Assign admission (billeteurs)

a few hours before


Until when?


Prepare class or gym

Divide the children so that everyone has something to do.

Sound check

Language and relaxation exercises with the children

Prepare buffet

Photos of each role before the performance (optional)

10 minutes before the performance
all the children gather, do speech exercises and say "One for all, all for one!" together 3 times.

Bell or music at the beginning

stage clear 🙂

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