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The stage, props and costumes

A teacher always has to transform and decorate the class and here there are no limits to creativity. In this sub-chapter we give inputs, suggestions and tips, but above all we want to encourage you to boldly set your accents and encourage the pupils to cooperate. Every child has strengths and weaknesses and therefore it is important to use the strengths of each individual and to consider the strengthening of the class community as the most important goal.

The classroom as a stage

Where can theatre be performed? By a theatre we usually mean a building, but theatre can be performed anywhere and anytime! The classroom can also be a stage and it doesn't take much to turn a classroom into a theatre space. (The best place for a theatre performance is the festival hall or the gym).

We define where the audience sits, where the actors are, where the entrances and exits or doors are. The stage space can be designed with the simplest objects (table, chairs, gym mats, gym equipment...). It is important to create a space where a scene can be played.

For example, the blackboard can be painted and is then part of the stage.

What else creates a theatre atmosphere?

  • design tickets together with the children and have 2-3 children play billetiers. You can assign the seats to the parents.

  • Instead of a school bell, the beginning of the play can be rung with instruments or another bell.

  • Design a programme booklet with the cast - this is a nice reminder for the parents!

  • Assign a photographer and ask the parents not to take photos otherwise, as it can be distracting for those sitting behind them . Explain to the parents that this way they can experience the play much more intensively and beautifully.

  • Make sure that the audience is quiet so that the children can really concentrate.

Always trust the audience's imagination! Even in Shakespeare, for example, a wall was played by an actor!

Often the light in a class is very bright and does not create a pleasant atmosphere - bring 1-2 small floor lamps, desk lamps or construction spotlights, turn down the big light and the mood will be very different.

Appoint a child to be the lighting technician. They can then sometimes - under supervision, of course - even change the colours with thin, non-flammable materials.


Props are another important rehearsal element. Props should not be spared in improvisation exercises and scenarios either.

The props should be included in the rehearsals right from the beginning, because the children already know how to handle the respective props. The props can help to portray certain scenarios more vividly and realistically. A prop list can be of great help in organising the props. This involves noting down the props appropriate to each scene by act and scene.

During the performance it is good to have a props master. This person has an overview of and responsibility for the props.

The props should never be precious, because something can always get lost!!!

As an example, a possible prop list for "The Talisman":

  1. A basket

  2. Bucket (fill with water!)

  3. Wigs (important: put in order) → black wig, grey wig, white wig, blond wig

  4. Pick flower

  5. Two handkerchiefs

  6. Broom to sweep the stage

  7. Snack

  8. Tablecloth


  • Substances

  • Paper

  • Sponge rubber

  • Cardboard

  • Paper mache

  • Crepe paper


Take a relaxed approach to costumes! No one has to be perfectly styled! Often a hat or a walking stick is enough and the child looks dressed up.

During rehearsals, costumes or pieces of clothing can be provided for dressing up from the beginning. Costumes are an essential part of the stage experience, especially for the young actors. Don't worry, it doesn't have to be anything elaborate, but be aware that the costume often helps the children to get into character.

(You can also bring old clothes from parents or costumes from carnival boxes). Make a costume list together with the children and ask colleagues and parents for help. It is best if the children are neutrally dressed, even at rehearsals. Inscriptions are often distracting!

Costume tips

  • Headgear (hat, headscarf, top hat, flower wreath etc.)

  • Blanket as a cape

  • Apron for servants/staff

  • Ties/beautiful scarves

  • Sticking felt elements on T-shirts

  • Sew tinsel, glitter stars, decorative materials onto various old items of clothing

  • Make-up: Be careful with make-up and make-up, many children are allergic to it. Also note that this takes a lot of time and you can't do it alone! It is sufficient if the parents do the make-up themselves at home.

  • Shoes: Let the children play without shoes rather than with unsuitable shoes! Often slippers are better than sports shoes. It would be even better if you could encourage the children to wear their best shoes for the play.

Flora can wear a dirndl and Plutzerkern wears a garden apron. She can wear simple ballerinas and he rubber boots.

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