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Memory [1]

Short description

Recognise auditory impulses by their coherence


(en) KognitionConcentration

Group size



5 minutes



Goal of this exercise is improving

  • directed attention

  • consciously controlled processes

  • auditory and visual perception

  • the social aspect of eye contact

Children learn to develop spatial/local orientation as an additional mnemonic aid by arranging items.


To start this exercise, the teacher prepares a story. In the short text (read out or told) several word pairs are hidden, i.e. words or things that belong together.

The task for the children is to listen for these pairs and to remember the number of hidden pairs.

Increase the difficulty by

  1. the number of pairs

  2. the type of pairs. For example, "a mouse" and "two mice" can belong together, but also "dog" and "cat" as animals.

  3. Free association. The freer, the more difficult: "dog" and "leash" or "dog" and "barking", "rain" and "umbrella, etc.

Background information for further reading

Cognition and consciousness

Processes of perception


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