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Objective of the exercises

In the category "Concentration", the aim of the exercises is that pupils should

in the category "Concentration", the aim of the exercises is that pupils should

be able to listen actively during class tasks and reduce distractibility

Helpful if your students

  • have a limited ability to perceive

  • do not stay with one thing for long

  • tire quickly

  • have a full head

  • are easily and quickly distracted

  • have poor to no stamina to concentrate on tasks of longer duration

  • are internally distractible because they want to satisfy their own needs immediately

As a result, your students can

  • look and listen more closely in order to consciously perceive the people, the environment and the situation.

  • learn to direct their concentration

  • develop more "bite" and stamina in all areas

  • get a grip on their spontaneous distractibility (intrinsic and extrinsic)

Exercises in this category

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