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I am... [1]

Short description

A "picture" emerges from various statements



Group size



20 minutes



The aim of this exercise is to improve

  • their development of imagination in the here and now

  • to link observations and perceptions from their experience with new impulses

  • to creatively take on a role of their own choosing.

The children learn to respond to each other, to adapt to ever-changing situations and to confidently implement creative ideas.


A "picture" is to be created from various statements, each of which is presented by a child.

For this, one child steps forward and declares to the group with the words "I am ...". The child pantomimes his or her section of the picture and then remains in this position.

As soon as this child stops moving, i.e. the paint on the picture has dried, so to speak, another child may contribute to the picture in the same way with a new component.


Child 1: "I am a tree." -

Child 2: " I am a bench under the tree." -

Child 3: "I am an old woman freaking out on the bench." -

Child 4: "I am the old lady's dog who pees on the tree and then lies down" etc.

The children must try to pick up ideas from the other children and link to them. To do this, it is necessary for each following child to observe the situation closely and decide where they see themselves and what their contribution could be. Each child actively shapes the course of the story and pushes it in a certain direction with his or her contribution.

If the picture gets bogged down, it is up to the teacher's skill to get the flow of the imagination going again by asking specific questions.

Possible stimuli are:

  • "What would go with this?"

  • "Where would you like to be in the picture?"

  • "If you know the position, think about what and how would (it) look good there?"....

Especially when doing this exercise for the first time or when working with younger children, it is important that the teacher gives an element at the beginning. ("I am a sailing ship." or "I am an elephant." or "I am a football.")

Background information for further reading

Cognition and consciousness

Processes of perception

Self-perception and reflection

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