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Objective of the exercises

In the category "Imagination", the aim of the exercises is that pupils should

be able to effectively observe and describe sequences of actions, stories or behaviours.

develop the ability to express creative ideas and suggestions

Helpful if your students

  • have little imagination in general

  • have a poor imagination especially for real-life situations

  • lack experience in observing people and their personality traits

  • lack experience in dealing with and expressing emotions

  • lack self-confidence

  • have a lack of self-image

As a result, your students can

  • develop their imagination also in the here and now

  • go through the world with open eyes and ears to gain as many impressions and thought stimuli as possible

  • learn to think in terms of other people

  • observe and describe what slipping into a different (new) role does to them

  • Thinking about problems and not being afraid to come up with creative solutions.

Exercises in this category

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