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Pass on signals [2]

Short description

Receiving and forwarding a pulse



Group size



5 minutes



The aim of this exercise is to improve

  • communicative behaviour

  • auditory and visual perception through concrete tasks

  • mental alertness

This game trains concentration, promotes responsiveness and improves group dynamics.


  1. The group lines up in a circle.

  2. The teacher sends out a "signal", e.g. eye contact, grimace, wink or other signals with facial expressions or gestures.

  3. The sending of the signal is indicated by a snap of the fingers.

  4. The sender of the signal must look clearly at the receiver ("establish connection") to make sure that the signal also "arrives" at the chosen receiver.

  5. The receiver in turn also confirms that it has received the signal by snapping its fingers.

  6. In this way, the signal is now passed on from child to child.

The sending process is limited in each case by snapping the fingers twice - one when sending, one when receiving.

Don't think too long about who the signal is going to be passed on to. It's all about sending the signal as quickly as possible through the room or through the group. In this way, the desired dynamics of the game are retained.

Many children are not yet able to snap their fingers - alternatively, other signals can be agreed upon, such as clapping.

Background information for further reading

Cognition and consciousness

Processes of perception


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