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Voice potpourri [3]

Short description

Prosody training with imaginary pictures


LanguageSpeech and pronunciation

Group size



10 minutes



Goal of this exercise is improving

  • auditory attention and concentration,

  • accuracy in linguistic expression,

  • and vocal capabilities in various varieties and registers such as emotions, communication situations, and presentations.

The children should playfully achieve vocal expression through variation. The aim is for them to be able to spontaneously adjust to different means of expression, both linguistic and physical."


The children run around the room in all directions until the teacher calls out "Stop!" Everyone stops in their tracks and then simultaneously executes an instruction for about 1 minute.

The teacher might give instructions such as:

  • "Speak with a very high (or low) voice!"

  • "Speak loudly (or quietly)!"

  • "Roar like a lion!"

  • "Whisper!"

  • "Laugh!"

  • "Speak quickly (or very slowly)!"

Afterwards, the children move around the room again until the next "Stop!" is called. There are countless variations in movement that can be used between each round (walking backwards, jumping on one foot, sneaking like a thief, tiptoeing, etc.).

The movement exercises are important for creating a free flow to the next vocal variation.

The combination of vocal and movement exercises helps to loosen up the group.

If the game leader speaks the vocal exercise instruction in the requested manner of speaking, it makes the exercise easier to understand for the children and also makes it more fun.

Background information for further reading

Anatomy and Neuroscience

Linguistic structures

Learning Fundamentals

Rhythm and rhythmicity

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