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The following is a curriculum for the training and professionalisation of teachers, trainers and educators for the course "AWAKE - Attention, Perception, Concentration, Experience. Learning According to Neuro-Science", which was developed within the Erasmus+ project.

I) General information about the study programme

The first section is dedicated to basic information and guidelines pertaining to the study programme. This includes, but is not limited to, understanding the qualification objectives of the course, the design and structure of the study programme, the requirements for admission, the duration and scope of the study programme.

  1. Preamble

  2. Qualification Profile for the Course Curriculum

  3. Scope

  4. Design of the studies

  5. Admission requirements and ranking criteria

  6. Scope and duration

  7. Group sizes

  8. Credits

  9. Degree

  10. Comparability

II) Curriculum

The second section highlights the content of the degree programme itself. Here, the specific subject areas and the point system used to assess student performance are presented. In addition, an overview of the semester structure is given and specific module descriptions as well as basic literature relevant to the study programme are presented.

  1. Programme structure and EC grid

  2. Course types

  3. Semester overview

  4. Module description

III) Examination regulations

The third and final section focuses on the examination regulations of the degree programme. This covers the scope, the general assessment criteria, the type and scope of examinations and assessed papers, the examination procedure, as well as the completion of studies and the maximum duration of studies.

  1. Scope

  2. General assessment criteria

  3. Type and scope of examinations, assessments and academic-professional field-related work

  4. Examination procedure

  5. Completion of studies

  6. Maximum duration of studies


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